Monday, April 13, 2015

This is Why You’re Always Cold

Are you that person? The one who is always reaching for a sweater, even when everyone else is totally fine in a t-shirt? It could just be the way you are - but there are also a number of medical reasons you might be unusually cold. Read on for some of the most common reasons you’re so freezing.

1. Low Body Weight
It seems pretty obvious: the less body fat you have, the less protection you have from the cold. And it’s totally true! The slimmer you are, the more quickly your body loses heat. People with low muscle mass also tend to be colder, because muscle offers more protection from the heat than fat.

2. Medications
Certain medications can also make you feel chilly. In particular, beta-blockers, which are used to treat cardiovascular issues, can make you especially sensitive to cool weather. In fact, cold hands and feet are one of the most common side effects of this class of drugs. If you’re on one of these medications and it’s taking a major toll on your daily life, talk to your doctor.

3. Anemia
Feeling unusually cold can also be a sign of anemia. People with anemia don’t make enough red blood cells. Often, this is because they’re not getting enough iron in their diets, but there are a whole slew of other causes of anemia. If you’re feeling unusually cold, and experiencing other anemia symptoms like weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath and dizziness, talk to your doctor.

4. Diabetes
People with diabetes can sometimes experience numb hands and feet. Some people with diabetes may experience diabetic nephropathy, damage to the kidneys. It may develop because diabetics aren’t controlling their blood glucose levels. but doctors aren’t completely sure about why some people with diabetes develop it and some don’t. One of the symptoms of diabetic nephraopthy? Feeling unusually cold all the time. It’s best to consult with your doctor if you’re diabetic and feeling cold.

5. Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism, or an under-active thyroid gland, may be the culprit of constant coldness. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms and get tested for hypothyroidism.

6. Problems with the Hypothalamus
The hypothalamus is the gland that regulates your body’s temperature receptors, so it goes without saying that hypothalamus issues can impact how cold or warm you feel. Dysfunction of this gland can be caused by a number of issues - everything from anorexia to head trauma - but it’s usually treatable. Again, talk to your doctor if you have any concerns.

7. Fungal Infection
Candida is the genus of yeast behind the most common types of fungal infections - vaginal yeast infections, thrush and nail infections among them. One of the symptoms of candidiasis is feeling unusually chilly. This goes back to issues with the hypothalamus.

8. Stress & Anxiety
Stress can manifest itself in a huge swath of physical symptoms - one of which is sensitivity to cold. People with anxiety can also feel especially cold because they’re more sensitive to physical sensations in general, which can cause the body to panic about the cold even more.


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