Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Misleading Sunscreen Propaganda
Cosmetics giant Neutrogena, whose parent company Johnson & Johnson has allowed the use of potentially cancer-causing chemicals in their products has taken on an unlikely new partner: The Canadian Cancer Society.

Their goal?
To educate Canadians about reducing their risk of skin cancer, which will undoubtedly include the potentially harmful advice to slather on loads of sunscreen (preferably Neutrogena brand).
In addition to Neutrogena contributing $200,000 to support skin cancer research (over $1 million since this started), the company has even provided 200,000 sunscreen samples to be distributed at Cancer Society events and committed to executing "a national campaign to educate Canadians on the importance of using sunscreen."
The Sunscreen Propaganda May Increase Your Cancer Risk
You've heard the advice before: stay out of the sun or use plenty of sunscreen to block cancer-causing ultraviolet (UV) rays. But recommending that people stay out of the sun to avoid cancer is much like saying you should avoid eating, because some foods cause cancer. It's true that excessive sun exposure, the type that makes your skin burn, may increase your cancer risk.  
But all sun exposure is certainly not bad. In fact, it's actually an essential component to staying healthy … one that can even reduce your cancer risk substantially. 
And therein lies one of the chief problems with the misleading advice to use sunscreen whenever you're out in the sun. This blocks the beneficial UVB rays – the ones that trigger your skin to produce vitamin D. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in your overall health and well-being. If you've spent any time on my site at all, you know that I'm a firm advocate for optimizing your vitamin D levels. For example, this healthy exposure to sunshine is known to:
Protect against cancer, including melanoma Support healthy kidney function
Enhance your muscle strength Promote healthy teeth
Help produce and maintain optimal blood pressure levels Help keep your bones strong and healthy
Help maintain a healthy immune system Support your cardiovascular health


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