Dangers of Antacids
Antacids are routinely prescribed for heartburn or acid reflux conditions often with no regard whether they are actually needed or not. Most of the time it is not the overproduction of the stomach acid (hydrochloric acid), but the underproduction that leads to heartburn. Without adequate stomach acid, the protein in the food cannot be broken down (digested) properly, so the bacteria (which can now grow freely in a low acid environment) in the gut will finish the job or part of it, as a result producing gas and acid (not hydrochloric acid) leading to heartburn.
Antacids may provide temporary relief by neutralizing the bacterial acids, as well as already low stomach acids, but in the long run they might lead to dangerous consequences by further diminishing stomach acid levels. Stomach acid is necessary not only for the utilization of protein, but also for the absorption of minerals, especially zinc and magnesium; and vitamin B12.
Antacids may provide temporary relief by neutralizing the bacterial acids, as well as already low stomach acids, but in the long run they might lead to dangerous consequences by further diminishing stomach acid levels. Stomach acid is necessary not only for the utilization of protein, but also for the absorption of minerals, especially zinc and magnesium; and vitamin B12.
Zinc is already a poorly absorbed mineral and taking antacids decreases its absorption even further. The most important role of this mineral is perhaps in the synthesis of nucleic acids RNA and DNA, which are crucial for cell division, cell growth and repair. So, low zinc levels can cause complications during pregnancy, such as miscarriage and birth defects by preventing proper cells division and growth. Zinc is very important for the proper functioning of the immune system: protecting against colds and flues, as well as against cancer (cell division and repair problem). Zinc is also essential for protecting against prostate enlargement and prostate cancer in men (cell division and differentiation problems). Moreover, zinc is used in the production of stomach acid. Low stomach acid levels cause low zinc levels, which in turn causes lower acid production, and so on, in a vicious cycle.
Low magnesium levels are associated with cardiovascular problems. Heart attack patients have been found to have very low blood magnesium levels: magnesium helps prevent arterial spasms, which narrow the arteries and reduce the blood supply (oxygen and nutrients) to the heart causing heart attack (a section of the heart muscle dies). And if there is also a blockage in the arteries, such as cholesterol plaque or cholesterol-calcium plaque, then there will be more damage. Even in the presence of the plaque in the arteries, adequate magnesium levels will prevent or diminish the damage caused by heart attack by dilating the arteries; and preventing blood clot formation. Moreover, regular intake of magnesium can also help gradually cleanse the calcium deposits in the plaque.
Magnesium is also lost through sweating; sugar, coffee, alcohol, and tobacco also diminish magnesium levels.
B12 deficiency can have serious health consequences. Since it is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system, prolonged deficiency will cause irreversible neurological changes leading to memory loss with symptoms similar to Alzheimer's disease. Remember that regular blood tests are not adequate to determine B12 deficiency.
Vitamin B12, along with folic acid and B6, is also necessary to keep homocysteine levels low. Homocysteine is a byproduct of the amino acid methionine metabolism, and is implicated in both neurological problems and cardiovascular disease.
People with asthma, eczema, and arthritis often have low stomach acid levels. When protein is not broken down properly, the large protein particles can get absorbed into the bloodstream and carried into the systemic circulation, provoking immune system or allergic reactions, which are involved in the conditions mentioned. Allergic reactions create inflammation, swelling, pain, and tissue damage. Antacids can contribute to the development of these diseases or make them worse.
Taking betaine hydrochloric acid tablets after meals relieves heartburn in majority of the cases by improving proper protein utilization, and keeping the bacteria in check.
It is also important to eat small meals several times a day, not to drink liquids with meals in order not to dilute the digestive juices, and find out and avoid the foods that aggravate the symptoms of heartburn.
Source: www.nutritionguidetohealth.com