Monday, February 2, 2015

Smart kids

Children’s brains develop rapidly and providing the right nutrients to maximize their abilities is vital for SMART KIDS. This is how to grow a healthy brain for a smart and happy kid. Follow these 4 Golden Rules

1. Balanced blood sugar 
2. Vitamins and minerals 
3. Ensure essential fats 
4. Avoid anti-nutrients and eliminate allergies

1. Balanced blood sugar 

Sugar is your brain's super fuel. But you have to make sure your child is getting the RIGHT TYPES and RIGHT AMOUNT at the RIGHT TIME. Too much ‘fast’ sugar means a blood sugar high and hyperactivity. The excess sugar in the blood gets dumped into storage as abdominal fat. Eating little and often helps keep your child’s energy and concentration even. Too much sugar and your child may be hyperactive and find it hard to concentrate. Too little and they may feel tired, irritable and find it hard to concentrate. 

2. Vitamins and minerals 

Should I give my child supplements? This is a question every parent must ask. On the one hand we are told that 'a well balanced diet gives you everything you need'. On the other hand the press is full of studies showing increased IQ and attention with supplements of vitamins, minerals and essential fats. Who do you believe?

Did you know that the conventional definition of eating a 'well balanced diet' means achieving the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs), yet the RDAs have not been calculated for maximising your child's mental performance? The vast majority of proper scientific studies on what kind of intake of nutrients enhance your child's potential simply haven't been considered in setting RDAs, which were originally designed to prevent against physical deficiencies such as scurvy.
So, what does the science tell you?

There have been 12 good trials testing the effects of vitamin and mineral supplements on mental performance. Ten out of twelve have shown an increase in IQ. What is not yet clear is what exactly is the optimum level of vitamins and minerals to supplement, although there is a tendency for the higher amounts to produce more significant effects.

Children's vitamin and mineral supplements tend to either deliver RDA level of nutrients or 'optimum' or 'high potency' level of nutrients. Some provide a broader range of all 12 essential vitamins and at least 10 of the most important minerals to supplement. These include zinc, magnesium and chromium, among others. The higher potency and broader range supplements are preferable.

Specifically, you can check for the zinc, vitamin C and magnesium levels. Ideally multis should provide at least 2mg of zinc, 80mg of vitamin C and 20mg of magnesium per tablet, with different numbers of tablets to take depending on your child's age. Bear in mind that chewable tablets are limited as to how much zinc they contain (makes them taste metallic); how much vitamin C they contain (makes them tart); how much calcium and magnesium they contain (makes them hard). Eating seeds every day provides zinc, calcium and magnesium while fresh fruit and vegetables provides vitamin C.

3. Essential Fats

If your child is having 3 portions of oily fish and a daily portion of seeds they should be getting a good level to help their brains develop and boost IQ. How do I give my child all the essential fats they need? Eat plenty of seeds and nuts. You can grind and sprinkle them on cereal, soups and salads. Source of essential fats: Mackerel, Flaxseeds, Herring, Anchovies, Sardines, Tuna steak, Salmon, Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds, Chia seeds, Walnuts, Sunflower seeds, Omega 3 rich eggs.

- Eat cold-water carnivorous fish 2 or 3 times a week (this includes sardines, mackerel, herring, kipper or wild/organic salmon). 
- Choose fish oil (omega3), Evening Primrose oil / Borage oil (omega6) to supplement fats 
- Avoid deep fried, browned and processed foods

There are two kinds of essential fats, called omega 3 and omega 6 fats. Of these omega 3 are the more important for brain function. Numerous studies have shown a clear benefit in children supplementing these on a daily basis. There is not the scientific evidence to show that the same results can be achieved by eating oily fish twice a week. We recommend both eating oily fish two to three times a week and supplementing these essential fats.

One specific kind of omega 3 fat, called DHA, is vital for the developing brain, hence especially important in pregnancy and infancy. Another kind, called EPA, has proven effective for attention, hyperactivity, depression and anxiety. Both EPA and DHA are found in fish oils. There is another type of omega 3 fat, called alpha linolenic acid (or ALA) which is found in foods of vegetable origin, such as flax and pumpkin seeds. While beneficial, only a very small amount of this gets converted into the more powerful EPA and DHA. Supplementing a direct source of EPA and DHA is preferable.
Omega 6 fats are important too.

The more potent form of omega 6 fat is called gamma-linolenic acid (or GLA for short). This is found in Borage and Evening Primrose oil. The brain also needs arachidonic acid (AA), which can be made from GLA. It is found in highest quantities in animal origin food such as fish, meat, eggs and dairy produce. Most experts in this field recommend supplementing a combination of EPA, DHA and GLA.

Fish oils can be contaminated with pollutants such as PCBs and mercury. It is best to choose a brand that guarantees it's purity and quality. These are often not the cheapest products, but quality is important when choosing an essential fat supplement. 

In summary, the science to date suggests that giving your child vitamin, mineral and essential fat supplements every day maximises their potential for health and mental performance.

4. Avoid Anti-Nutrients & Eliminate Food Allergens

Which foods rob your child's brain of nutrients? Anti-nutrients are substances that knock out essential brain-friendly nutrients. Some children develop an allergy or intolerance against particular foods.
Avoid or minimize:
Refined sugar: These are essentially carbohydrates robbed of essential nutrients.
Damaged fats: These come from fried foods and hydrogenated fats.
Chemical food additives: Especially colourings.
Food intolerances can be detected by a blood test or speak to your GP. Alternatively you could try eliminating a food group you think your child is allergic to, and re assessing they're mood and behaviour weekly. See more to understand more about food allergies:


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